Getting Here and Around


The nearest airport is in Cedar City (142 miles) but will likely be pricey. Salt Lake City (239 miles) and Las Vegas (303 miles) are better bets, though you'll probably get the cheapest fares (and might have the most fun) flying into Vegas.


The entrance to Great Basin is on Route 488, 5 miles west of its junction with Route 487. From Ely, take U.S. 6/50 to Route 487. From Salt Lake City or Cedar City, Utah, take Interstate 15 South to U.S. 6/50 West; from Las Vegas, drive north on Interstate 15 and then north on Route 93 to access U.S. 6/50. Don't rely on GPS to get to the park, as sometimes it sends people up remote dirt roads. The turnoff to the main section of the park is well marked in the center of Baker.

In the park, Baker Creek Road and portions of Wheeler Peak Scenic Drive, above Upper Lehman Creek, are closed from November to June. The road to the visitor center and the roads to the developed campgrounds are paved, but two-wheel-drive cars don't do well in winter storms. RVs and trailers over 24 feet aren't allowed above Upper Lehman Creek. With an 8% grade, the road to Wheeler Peak is steep and curvy, but not dangerous if you take it slow. Motorcyclists should watch for gravel on the road's surface.

There are two gas stations located nearby. The tiny Baker Sinclair station is just outside the park entrance, while about 7½ miles farther, the Border Inn has a Phillips 66 station, open 24/7.

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