2 Best Places to Shop in Kendall Square/MIT, Boston

Cambridge Antique Market

Off the beaten track, this antiques hot spot has a selection bordering on overwhelming: five floors of goods from more than 150 dealers ranging from 19th-century furniture to vintage clothing, much of it reasonably priced. You can find everything from collectible magazines to China dolls, art work to fine silver. Head to the basement for a large selection of secondhand bikes.

The Garment District

Kendall Square

Step into this warehouse-like building through the famous pink door and head to the second level to find a massive selection of vintage, used, and new clothing and accessories. Boston Costume, the sister business on the first floor, draws thrift pickers to the back room to paw through an 850-pound bale of clothes that's dumped on the floor each day (twice on Saturday and Sunday); items are sold for $2 per pound. Students crowd the entire store year-round, and everyone comes at Halloween for that perfect costume. They're also known for their vintage wears, dating back to the ’50s for as retro as you please.