2 Best Sights in Antigua, Guatemala

Casa del Tejido Antigüo

This is the place to come for background information on the rainbow of textiles you'll see when you head out to the highlands. Exhibits present the utilitarian "how it's made" facts, delve into the cultural meaning of the patterns, and show how designs differ from region to region. Prices tend to be higher in the museum gift shop than other places around the country. It's near the central market, several blocks from the city center; call if you need transportation.

Casa Popenoe

A short loop through this beautifully restored colonial mansion takes you through courtyards and several rooms containing decorative objects, including original oil paintings, fine ceramic dishes, and other artifacts that have been in the house since its original construction in 1636. An English-speaking guide is usually available. Tours must be arranged at least one day in advance with a minimum of five people. Specify that you want an English-speaking guide if you need one