2 Best Sights in The Veneto and Friuli–Venezia Giulia, Italy

La Pescheria

A short walk east of Piazza dei Signori is the pescheria (fish market; opened in 1856), set on an island on Cagnan Grande, one of the small canals that flow through town. The picturesque, leafy setting here is completed by the surrounding handsome medieval buildings, including Ca’ dei Carraresi, Ca’ Brittoni, and the former convent of the Monache Camaldolesi. Seek out two beguiling female statues close to Trevisani hearts around these parts: La Sirenetta or Little Mermaid emerges from the Cagnan Grande; and on Vicolo Podestà, Fontana Delle Tette's serene-looking signorina spouts water---and on special occasions, vino rosso and vino bianco---from her breasts.  

Quartiere Latino

While strolling the city, take in this handsomely restored district between Riviera Garibaldi and Piazza Santa Maria Battuti. It's the site of university buildings, upscale apartments, and restaurants and shops.