1 Best Sight in Samana Peninsula, Dominican Republic

Puerto Escondido

Puerto Escondido is the beach at the Grand Bahía Príncipe Cayacoa, and day visitors can enjoy the sands if they buy a day pass at the resort. Availability and price depends on the season, hotel occupancy, etc. Though crowded with guests, the beach offers great views of the bay, plenty of drinks and lunch options, chaises, nonmotorized water sports, and the best strand on the south side of the peninsula. Amenities are available if you partake of the resort's facilities. Amenities: food and drink; parking; toilets; water sports. Best for: partiers; snorkeling; swimming; walking.

Playa Puerto Escondido, Samaná, Samaná, 32000, Dominican Republic
809-552–1444-Grand Bahía Príncipe Cayacoa