1 Best Sight in The Gulf Coast Beaches, Thailand

Chudhadhuj Palace

King Rama V built this summer palace and named it after his son, Prince Chudhadhuj, who was born on the island on July 5, 1893. Earlier in the 19th century, King Rama V's father, King Rama IV, had learned that the island's residents lived longer than anywhere else in Thailand and had concluded that Koh Si Chang's climate was responsible. The palace was abandoned in 1894 when France blockaded the Gulf of Thailand during a political crisis. Few buildings remain today, but the palace gardens are great for a stroll. King Rama V also commissioned another residence here, Vimanmek Mansion, which in 1901 he had moved to Bangkok. All that remains is the mansion's beachside foundation. Nearby, an old wooden pier has been restored to its former glory.