1 Best Restaurant in Side Trips from Seoul, South Korea



Incheon's Chinatown is lined top-to-bottom with good restaurants, but in terms of longevity, few compete with Pungmi. Run by the same family for four generations, Pungmi serves fine old-school jjajangmyeon, or noodles covered in black bean sauce, an Incheon specialty based on a northern Chinese dish brought to the city by Chinese immigrants in the 19th century. They also serve several kinds of jjamppong (seafood noodle soup) as well as classic Chinese dishes like sweet-and-sour pork. As an added bonus, it's in an old Chinese townhouse with an appropriately Chinese ambiance. As a further bonus, just around the corner is the old Gonghwachun, a historic Chinese restaurant that is now a museum dedicated to jjajangmyeon.