Organic Wine in Portland

Portland has been globally recognized for the sustainability practices of its dining scene. Another trend putting this region in the spotlight is the production of organic wine. Although Oregon has only about 26,000 acres of wine grapes compared to California's 878,000-plus acres, nearly 50% of Oregon's vineyards are certified sustainable or organic compared to less than 10% in California.

The goal of organic wine production is to protect both the farmer and the environment by reducing reliance on synthetic chemicals and fertilizers. Finding ways to preserve wine without adding sulfites is perhaps the biggest roadblock in making organic wine. Though yeast naturally produces sulfites during the fermentation process, adding more goes against certification standards.

People with allergies, including sulfite sensitivities, often seek out organic wines. The FDA requires warning labels for wines with sulfites more than 10 parts per million (ppm). Most red wines contain approximately 40 ppm sulfite. There's also the term "no detectable sulfite," which means that wine constitutes less than 1 milligram per liter. Many wineries create wine made from organic grapes and label it as such, so long as the detectable sulfite level remains below 100 ppm.

Because the preservation and storage challenges still conflict with the strict certification requirements, 100% certified-organic wine labels are still uncommon. However, many of the wineries in Portland's neighboring communities of Yamhill and Washington counties are turning new soil on what they believe are best practices for farming—and cultivating highly respected wine in the process.

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