Sports and the Outdoors

Bishop's Boats. This company runs one- or two-hour seal-watching trips daily between March and early November for £13 per person. The Quay, at the end of High St., Blakeney, Norfolk, NR25 7NE. 0800/074–0753; 01263/740753;

Temples Seal Watching Trips. Temples Seal Watching Trips organizes two-hour boat trips out to Blakeney Point, where you can watch seals in their natural environment. Certain sailings drop you off at the Point for an hour before taking you back. Tours cost £13; there are usually two or three daily departures in high season. The ticket office is in Morston, 1½ miles west of Blakeney. Anchor Inn, 22 The Street, Morston, Norfolk, NR25 7AA. 01263/740791;